On the Day Allah will resurrect them all and will inform them whatever they did; Allah has inscribed it while they forgot it, and Allah is a witness upon everything.
The impartial Lord Allah who has taught everyone Adhikr from the Paradise will not be informing to everyone about their life in this world on the Day of Judgement, but everyone will be given the book of deed fastened upon everyone’s nape as an illuminated open book, and will be told “you read your book, today you are enough to reckon your deeds” as told in verses 17: 13-14. The Fujjar won’t see the Lord since there will be an unseen veil between Allah and the Fujjar as explained in verse 83: 15. Today, the Fujjar-the Kuffar-who are reading these verses in Arabic Qur’an by forgetting Adhikr are serving Satan and are following Satan’s footsteps as explained in verses 2: 168-169; and 36: 59-62. These disbelievers by hiding and rejecting Adhikr are preferring bodily and worldly life, and are considering this worldly life as play and amusement. Today the only way to abstain mankind from heinous sins and to form a tranquil and peaceful life is to propagate Adhikr which explains each and everything among the mankind as explained in verse 16: 89. See explanation 36: 12; 50: 16; and 54: 52.